Strong suggestion of a potential VHMS deposit at depth
At the Midas project in the Canadian province of British Columbia, Juggernaut Exploration (TSX.V: JUGR, FSE: 4JE, WKN: A2PTXU) carried out an intensive drill program at the Kokomo target area last year. The results are now available and suggest that Juggernaut may have penetrated, or at least come very close to penetrating, the core of the volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralised target, with hole MD-24-47 intersecting 8.27 g/t gold equivalent over a length of 11.03 metres.
Specifically, the mineralisation consists of 6.21 g/t gold, 99.63 g/t silver, 0.42% copper and 1.08% zinc. The high gold values, as well as sulfide mineralisation consistent with that typically present near an Eskay-type VHMS system in the form of moderate to semi-massive or massive chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite, strongly suggest that there is potential for a VHMS deposit at depth.
Whether this is actually the case will have to be determined by additional surveys. However, the starting position for Juggernaut is extremely promising because the mineralisation is still open both at depth and to the north along strike. The company will therefore focus on these zones in its future work. What is already clear, however, is that the mineralisation is very strong both at the surface and in the drill holes. Both indications point to a large mineralised system.
The results of the drilling carried out last year, together with those of previous years, confirm an extensive north-south mineralised trend containing large amounts of copper, zinc and gold. The trend currently has a length of 550 metres, with the gold and base metal component increasing significantly in a northerly direction. The induced polarization surveys suggest that it is proximal to an IP anomaly. This further supports Juggernaut’s belief that it is the core to a VHMS-type deposit.
Success also to the south of the Kokomo deposit
To the south of the Kokomo deposit, several additional drill holes have identified gold-copper-zinc mineralisation. This extends along a 700-metre trend to the south of the deposit, with the intercepts consisting of moderate, semi-massive or massive sulphide mineralisation embedded in a quartz-sericite-chlorite schist.
Results from the Bingo drilling campaign have also been received and in hole BI-24-09, Bingo samples of up to 1.68 g/t gold equivalent (1.08 g/t gold and 3.97 g/t silver) over 2.65 metres were intersected in the main zone. A series of drill holes contain anomalous gold values between 0.19 g/t and 1.11 g/t gold equivalent, while the remaining drill holes drilled along strike from the main zone Bingo shear zone returned results that are currently considered insignificant.
Overall, and particularly in view of the Kokomo deposit, the 2024 exploration campaign can therefore be considered a great success. In 2025 and subsequent years, the main focus will now be on confirming the assumed discovery of the core of this VMS system and determining its exact dimensions.
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