Follow-up drillings are planned

Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd (CSE:GCC; OTC:GCCFF; FSE:3TZ) is awaiting drill results from six recent holes QGQ24-10 to QGQ24-15, designed to test for the first time the so-called Halo Zone in the northwest corner of the Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine property near Hixon, British Columbia. Preliminary analysis of the intercepts from the last three holes QCG24-13 to QGQ24-15 in particular, indicate previously unknown large northwest trending faults that generally follow lithologic contacts. The mineralization and alteration encountered show strong similarities to the known Main Zone.

Golden Cariboo is therefore planning follow-up drilling to target the southeast strike length of the Halo Zone from the west and intersect it with oriented drill core perpendicular to the overall trend. Drilling will then also be carried out with drill holes oriented to the southeast to target the second-order structures. Geologists see good potential along 830 meters towards the Main Zone as well as northwest of the Halo Zone and southeast of the Main Zone, which have not yet been drilled. Golden Cariboo geologists first discovered the Halo Zone in late 2022. At that time, 1.01 to 5.08 g/t Au was measured 830 m northwest of the Main Zone in a 6 m deep trench from four grab samples of a low quartz-carbonate fault zone (press release May 18, 2023). Since commencing drilling on the property in 2022, Golden Cariboo has completed a total of 4,144.4 m in 15 diamond drill holes in three separate zones.

Figure 1: Drill results from holes QGQ24-10 to QGQ24-15 are pending.

The Halo Zone was targeted with six holes (QGQ24-10 to -15), with the three holes drilled further west intersecting quartz-carbonate veins with visible gold (press release July 18, 2024). If the zone is similar to the known zone North Hixon, true widths in the Halo zone may be 50-70% of drill hole lengths. Small amounts of sphalerite, which commonly occurs with visible gold, as well as small amounts of chalcopyrite and traces of galena were noted in the veins. Logging has been completed and sampling is ongoing. The results are still pending. The mineralization and alteration encountered show strong similarities to the Main Zone, from which the best intercepts were drilled to the southeast (at 090 to 134° to the halo holes).

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