Up to 1,17 g/t gold drilled
Golden Cariboo Resources (CSE GCC / WKN A402CQ) already sent the crews back to the Quesnelle Gold Quartz property (QGQ) early in the New Year – no wonder after the successes of 2024 (we reported). Now the company presents first drill results and with them a significant extension of its Halo discovery!
As the company has just reported, drill hole QGQ24-18 showed 172.6 meters averaging 0.43 g/t gold from just 10.4 meters below surface. This broad interval also included intercepts with higher grades, including 26.3 meters of 0.88 g/t gold and 20.0 meters of 1.17 g/t gold. (However, core recovery in the 26.3 metre interval was only 47%, which may result in slightly lower overall values due to the loss of mineralized soft sulphide-bearing, brecciated, fractured and/or altered intercepts).
Known gold mineralization significantly expanded
In any case, hole QGQ24-18, with its 172.6 metres of mineralized material, extends the known gold mineralization by 60 metres from the location of hole QGQ24-13. At the same time, mineralization was extended 125 metres to depth. At the surface, the company had identified up to 5.15 g/t gold in outcrop. In addition, Golden Cariboo intersected 19.22 meters of 0.45 g/t gold from 351.66 meters in a deeper section of the hole.

QGQ24-18 was the third drill hole following the Halo discovery (QGQ24-13 to -15). The objective was to extend the mineralization and gain a better understanding of the lithological, structural and vein geometries of the discovery. According to Golden Cariboo, the lithologic contacts are southeast trending with a steep dip to the southwest, while quartz-carbonate+/pyrite veins with visible gold occur both parallel and oblique to the lithologic contacts.
The company has already drilled the next holes – QGQ24-19 and QGQ24-20 – in a northerly orientation with 100 meter spacing to further expand the halo discovery. Assay results are pending, but Golden Cariboo previously announced that these holes encountered thick zones of quartz veining containing visible gold.
Frank Callaghan, President and CEO of Golden Cariboo, said, “Drill hole QGQ24-18 is another strong follow-up to the discovery made last summer and underscores our growing confidence in the potential of the Halo Zone. The broad intercepts of gold mineralization, shallow overburden cover, flat topography and location approximately 4 kilometers from a major highway in central BC (British Columbia) demonstrate that this discovery is exceptional.”
Conclusion: It is encouraging to see that Golden Cariboo 2025 is picking up directly where it left off last year. In our opinion, the exceptional thickness of the mineralized intervalls and the fact that they start close to the surface are particularly encouraging.
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