200-day line has been rising again since May

The six-month chart of Canadian uranium explorer Aero Energy (WKN A4007Y / TSV AERO) shows that the steep upward movement from our March chart check could not be continued at first. A consolidation phase lasting several months began below the blue downward trend lines. In the last week of June, the 200-day line was recaptured – accompanied by a trading volume – and both blue trend lines were sustainably overcome.

The 100-day line has already been overcome once intraday. The gap occurred during the aforementioned high volume breakout and can therefore be classified as a breakaway gap, which does not necessarily have to be closed according to chart theory. The price lows in June are rising (gray line) – a new upward trend could emerge here.

Fortunately, the 200-day line has been rising again since May – it is also positive that the 100-day line (which has unfortunately recently started to fall again) is still clearly above the 200.

The MACD indicator generated a technical buy signal on June 11 and is currently strengthening (the spread between the red and blue lines is widening). The trend confirmer is about to break through the neutral 100 and should therefore return to positive territory in the next few days. Due to the high turnover, the Money Flow Index has run hot and is trading slightly above the overbought level of 80. The overbought/oversold indicator was also on the verge of overbought status. However, it narrowly missed the critical level of 2 and has already cooled down again and can currently be assessed as clearly positive but not yet overheated.

Source: Comdirect

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According to §34b WpHG and §48f Abs. 5 BörseG (Austria) we point out that GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH and/or partners, clients or employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH hold shares in Aero Energy Ltd. and therefore a conflict of interest exists. GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH also reserves the right to buy or sell shares in the company at any time, which may affect the price of Aero Energy Ltd. shares. In addition, GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH is remunerated by Aero Energy Ltd. for reporting on the company. This is another clear conflict of interest.

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