{kanada_flagge} The BAM project of P2 Gold Inc. (TSX-V: PGLD; FRA: 4Z9) im the heart of the Golden Triangle is located airline just over 50 kilometers to the east of the major Galore Creek project (Newmont/Teck). In geological terms, BAM and Galore are thus neighbors and closely related. Unlike Galore, BAM has never been systematically explored since copper was first discovered in the 1960s. But time has nevertheless worked in BAM’s favor:
Meanwhile, the access road to the Galore Creek project runs less than two kilometers south of the property, which would make any discovery valuable very quickly. Thus, one project benefits from the infrastructure of another. P2 Gold now plans to use the summer season for some targeted drilling. The company reports that drilling is already underway.
Figure 1: BAM is literally in the heart of British Columbia’s Golden Triangle. To the east is the major Galore Creek project. The access road runs past BAM.
Field work commenced in late June and focused on the Monarch Gold Zone and the Jan Copper Zone, with initial work including detailed mapping and sampling while drill pads were being established. The drilling, designed for a total length of 1,000 meters, is intended to test induced polarization (“IP”) anomalies within the Monarch Gold Zone that are consistent with gold anomalies in soil containing up to 5.7 grams per tonne of gold. The program has been designed to test multiple areas within the Monarch Gold Zone over a combined strike length of 800 metres.
Figure 2: Detailed preliminary work on the project indicates prominent anomalies, particularly in the Monarch Gold Zone, with gold grades up to 5.7 g/t in soil.
In addition, two drill holes are planned to test the Jan Copper Zone and its eastern extension. Drilling in the 1960s discovered the Jan Copper zone; however, historical drilling focused on defining high-grade resources rather than bulk tonnage mineralization. A recent survey of the 1960s drill core revealed that many intervals of low to moderate copper oxide mineralization were not sampled, and therefore mineralization at the Jan Copper Zone remains open.
A ground geophysical crew is also on site to conduct an IP survey of approximately 10 line kilometers as a follow-up to last year’s regional program. This year’s work will focus on the Monarch Gold and Jan Copper zones.
Option on the Natlan Property
The Company also announces that, subject to regulatory approval, it has signed an option agreement with an independent private vendor to acquire up to a 100% interest in the Natlan Property located in northwestern British Columbia.
The Natlan Property consists of 10 mineral concessions covering an area of more than 15,000 hectares located approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Hazelton, BC and 65 kilometers south of the Company’s Silver Reef property.
Under the terms of the Option Agreement, the Company may earn a 100% interest in the Natlan Property over an option period of five years by paying to the vendor: CAD 25,000 and 100,000 shares in its capital at the signing of the Agreement; CAD 75,000 and 100,000 shares in its capital on the first anniversary of the Agreement; 75. 000 CAD and 200,000 shares in its capital on the second anniversary of the Agreement; 150,000 CAD and 200,000 shares in its capital on the third anniversary of the Agreement; 225,000 CAD and 200,000 shares in its capital on the fourth anniversary of the Agreement; and 450,000 CAD and 200,000 shares in its capital on the fifth anniversary of the Agreement. The Company is also required to incur exploration expenditures of CAD150,000 by the first anniversary of the Agreement and cumulative exploration expenditures of CAD300,000 by the second anniversary of the Agreement. Upon exercise of the option, P2 will grant the optionor a 2% net smelter returns royalty on all minerals produced on the property, which P2 may acquire at any time for CAD 5 million adjusted for inflation until 2021.
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