Potential for significant gold mineralization

Most recently, Canadian exploration company Brixton Metals (WKN A114WV / TSX-V BBB) has been focusing on its promising copper porphyry targets in its exploration of the huge Thorn project in British Columbia. But the company has not neglected the Trapper gold target either – and is now reporting the first batch of 2024 drill results that show gold mineralization over intervals of more than 250 metres in one instance!

Brixton’s 2024 drill campaign at Trapper comprised a total of 2,745.60 meters of diamond core drilling (11 holes). Results have now been received from three of these holes, totaling 967 meters in length. The objective of the drill program was to test the extents and continuity of the main mineralized corridor along the Lawless Fault Zone. Both exploration and extension drilling was carried out for this purpose.

In addition, CEO Gary Thompson’s company drilled step-out holes north of the main mineralization zone to follow up on undercover mineralized zones identified during last year’s drilling campaign. Brixton had prepared the 2024 drill with a combination of mapping, oriented core analysis, geophysics and soil geochemistry. The company will present the remaining analytical results as they become available.

Select Mineralized Intervals for the Trapper Target Drilling
Select Mineralized Intervals for the Trapper Target Drilling

Mineralized sections up to 254 metres thick

The drill holes reported today, in which visible gold was observed a total of nine times, are characterized by their considerable length/thickness.


  • – hole THN24-300 contained 254 meters of mineralization from a depth of only 6 meters with 0.48 g/t gold, of which
    – 171 meters at 0.63 g/t gold,
    – 41 meters at 1.08 g/t gold and
    – 6 meters of 4.19 g/t gold and 22.07 g/t silver
  • – drill hole THN24-302 showed 141 meters of 0.35 g/t gold from 9 meters depth, of which
    – 30 meters at 0.70 g/t gold and
    – 10 meters at 0.92 g/t gold
  • Hole THN24-303 cut 216.76 meters of 0.25 g/t gold from 154 meters depth, of which
    23 meters of 1.24 g/t gold,
    11 meters at 2.34 g/t gold and
    3.90 meters at 5.58 g/t gold

Summary: The Trapper gold target represents on surface as a 4 kilometer long, northwest trending gold and zinc soil geochemical anomaly that is part of the larger 11 kilometer (!) long geochemical gold anomaly that runs from Camp Creek to the Trapper target. According to VP Exploration Christina Anstey, the results now reported from Trapper, once again, demonstrate the potential for significant gold mineralization. Especially as the results of drill hole THN24-303 indicates new opportunities for extension drilling north of the main target area. Further drilling at Trapper will now focus on identifying new zones of gold-bearing mineralization undercover within the extent of the larger geochemical gold anomaly.

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