Exceptional discovery potential of the Thorn project confirmed
We have already pointed out that Brixton Metals‘ (TSXV BBB / WKN A114WV) Thorn project is huge. This means, among other things, that there is also huge potential for further discoveries – in addition to the Camp Creek copper target and the Trapper gold target, for example, which Brixton has already investigated with several drill holes. Now, CEO Gary Thompson’s company is announcing discoveries of multiple porphyry systems!
This season, Brixton carried out its first drilling program on the so-called North Target, which is located 10 kilometers northwest of the Camp Creek porphyry. Prior to this drilling, only occasional small surface sampling programs had been conducted there. Now, however, with a combination of compiling historical work and geological mapping by its own team, Brixton has succeeded in identifying multiple porphyry, epithermal and skarn mineral occurrences in an 11 by 4 kilometers north-northwest trending area – highlighting the potential for a large mineral system, the company said.
Potential for a large mineral system
Brixton began the 2024 field season with a SPARTAN magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical survey consisting of a 108-station grid with 1-kilometer spacing. Subsequently, 4 drill holes with a total length of 2,266 meters were drilled in the Wild Moly and Main Gossan target areas. This encountered a molybdenum and copper system starting at surface and consisting of multiple generations of porphyry-style quartz and quartz-anhydrite veins hosting molybdenite, pyrite and chalcopyrite, accompanied by potassium alteration halos.
In addition, the company detected anomalous copper and molybdenum values within several kilometers of large alteration zones of phyllic, potassic and propylitic alteration centered around multiphase porphyritic diorites. The aforementioned MT survey had also revealed numerous conductive features that correlate with zones of hydrothermal alteration
Christina Anstey, Vice President of Exploration at Brixton, commented: “The results from the North target area highlight the exceptional discovery potential of the Thorn project. The intersection of multiple porphyry systems in an area where there has been little exploration in the past is a testament to the strength of our technical approach. These initial results not only confirm the presence of a robust mineralized system, but also set the stage for further exploration activities to discover higher-grade zones and additional targets in this extensive and underexplored area.”
As Ms. Anstey notes, now that Brixton has discovered the new North porphyry system, it is a matter of getting closer to it and not only identifying the expected higher-grade zones with further exploration and drilling, but also delineating the system more precisely. Once again, a lot of work for the Brixton team, but in our opinion also a lot of potential!
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