Latest drill results yield up to 27% copper!

Australian copper explorer American West Metals (WKN A3DE4Y / ASX AW1) is pursuing several goals with this year’s drilling program at its extensive Storm project in the Canadian province of Nunavut. However, the priority is to expand the resources already proven on the property. And in this respect, Managing Director Dave O’Neill’s company was once again able to present outstanding results!

As announced today, recent assay results have shown that high-grade copper mineralization intercepts have once again been encountered within and around the Cyclone resource deposit area. For example, hole SR24-093, drilled 75 meters outside (south) of the existing resource, intersected 53 meters of 3.9% copper and 12.68 g/t silver – from a downhole depth of only 86.9 meters! It also included 22.9 meters of 8.5% copper and 17.8 g/t silver, 9.1 meters of 14.4% copper and 21.3 g/t silver from 93 meters downhole!

In addition, SR24-070 drilled 45.7 meters of 1.9% copper and 9.4 g/t gold from 35.1 meters downhole, including 27.4 meters of 3.1% copper and 14.6g/t silver from 35.1 meters downhole, including 15.2 meters of 4.2% copper and 16.2 g/t silver from 35.1 meters downhole. Drill hole SR24-045 also returned 57.9 meters of 1% copper and 4.3 g/t silver from 32 meters, including 10.7 meters of 3.2% copper and 16.0g/t silver from 65.5 meters downhole. (Further results can be found in the company’s press release).

Expansion and upgrading potential of the Cyclone deposit confirmed once again

According to American West, the latest drill results have once again underlined the potential for resource expansion and upgrading of the Cyclone deposit. The company had prioritized the analysis of the Cyclone results in order to obtain them in time for use in resource estimation and upgrading studies.

Plan view of Cyclone deposit area

In any case, these drill results have confirmed the very wide and high-grade copper mineralization intercepts within and outside the existing resource – especially at the western end and south of the deposit. In any case, the western end of Cyclone has the highest-grade copper mineralization in the deposit, particularly close to surface. These are very favourable conditions for a potential open pit mining operation.

American West has once again demonstrated the excellent lateral continuity of the ore body with this drilling. Work is continuing to convert resources from the inferred category to the indicated category, which will allow greater confidence in the results obtained. Results from the remaining drilling are expected in the coming weeks.

Logistics chain for potential mining operations on Storm demonstrated!

American West also announced that the cargo ship NEAS Mitiq has successfully completed a sea transportation to the Storm project. Large quantities of material were delivered directly to Somerset Island, where the Storm project is located. The equipment is intended for the exploration and resource and development programs in the coming year. According to the company, this could save 4 million dollars in the 2025 budget.

In return for the delivery of the material, bulk samples containing copper were loaded from the project onto the cargo ship. This demonstrates the complete logistics chain for a potential DSO (Direct Shipping Ore) operation, an important aspect for the potential establishment of a mining operation at Storm!

Dave O’Neill, Managing Director of American West Metals commented: “We are very pleased to provide the latest drill results for the Storm project. The drill program has now reached a total length of 22,500m and continues to impress us with the exceptional quality of copper mineralization at Storm. […] Another significant milestone and cost saving initiative has been achieved at Storm with the establishment of the marine transportation route. The NEAS Mitiq spent two days offloading key supplies for the 2025 drilling season directly to Somerset Island, which is expected to result in significant savings to next year’s logistics budget.

The latest results and progress clearly show that the project has the potential to continue to deliver impressive sections and innovative logistical solutions. We look forward to sharing more news on this exciting program in the coming weeks.”

Conclusion: As Mr. O’Neill also points out, recent drill results from the Cyclone deposit have returned one of the best intercepts of mineralization from the Storm project to date – with 8.5% copper over a true width of 22.5 metres! In addition, the intercept contained zones of semi-massive sulphide mineralization, with individual samples returning up to 28% copper. As this intercept lies well outside the Cyclone deposit, the expansion and growth potential of the deposit is once again clearly demonstrated. The successful sea transportation of the material for the coming year also shows what the logistics for a mining operation at Storm could look like, meaning that American West is already well advanced in this important aspect. Overall, the company has thus presented an extremely positive update today, which was also rewarded on the Australian stock exchange.

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