Jackpot Zone – New Surface Sample With Large Gold Leaf 7mm
This gold beauty was just discovered today; its largest gold leaf (~7mm in size) ever found in a grab sample from an outcrop at the Surebet Discovery – Jackpot Showing. Abundant native ‘wire gold’ along fracture surface, with gold-hosted bismuth and trace pyrite hosted within a quartz vein. Jackpot is scheduled for drilling in 2024.
This gold leaf was found near a grab sample (ST116183) taken in 2023 that assayed 21.5 oz/t AuEq or 667.40 gpt AuEq (636.00 gpt Au, 1,690.00 gpt Ag, 7.96 % Cu, 2.22 % Pb) and comes from a 30 cm wide quartz vein with 15 % chalcopyrite, 7 % pyrite, and 1 % galena hosted in a shear comprised of strongly silicified Porphyritic Andesite within the Hazelton Volcanics.
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