{kanada_flagge} With its first drill hole at the Linnguekoto West target on its SMSZ project in western Mali, Desert Gold Ventures Inc. (TSX.V: DAU; FRA: QXR2, OTCQB: DAUGF) has drilled 1.83 g/t Au over 27 meters right off the bat, including 2.25 over 20.7 meters and 26.5 g/t Au over 1.0 meter. True thickness is estimated at 13 meters.
The Linnguekoto West Zone, which hosts an Inferred Mineral Resource of 66,200 ounces of gold in 1.39 million tonnes of gold mineralization grading 1.48 g/t gold1, is located in the south-central portion of the SMSZ property (see Figure 1).
Two additional holes were drilled on the adjacent Mogoyafara South target. Further north, one hole was drilled on the Barani East target to verify previously measured gold grades. A further drill program is currently being planned for the Gourbassi West North, Mogoyafara South and Linnguekoto West deposits.
Jared Scharf, President & CEO of Desert Gold, stated, “I am very pleased that we have drilled our first three holes at Mogoyafara South and Linngeukoto West. The drill results confirm and support historical drilling conducted by Hyundai around 2002. Obviously, much more drilling is required at these deposits as they have only been tested to shallow depths and are mostly open at depth and along strike to the north and south. The metallurgical test hole at Barani East returned significantly higher grades than expected, which bodes well for when or if mining is undertaken in this area.”
Figure 1: Overview of the 440 km² SMSZ project in western Mali. Two major shear zones traverse the property: the Senegal-Mali Shear Zone to the west and the Main Transcurrent Shear Zone along the eastern boundary.
Figure 2: Cross-section of drill hole KO_22-RCD-001 showing the intersected gold zones and their presumed orientation.
The Barani East metallurgical hole (Figure 3) returned higher than expected grades, returning 12.41 g/t gold over 45 metres (true width is unknown). Nearby drilling that intersected the zone returned 7.82 g/t gold over 13 meters, 5.66 g/t gold over 16 meters, and 1.5 g/t gold over 25 meters and 1.58 g/t gold over 7 meters. Core from this hole will be used to evaluate gravity gold, heap leach and geotechnical properties of the oxidized upper portion of the Barani East Zone. Previous metallurgical work estimates gravity gold recovery up to 64% and typical CN leaching up to 98.6% overall.
Figure 3. Barani East metallurgical drill hole MET-001 section.
The final two holes of the program were used to test the Mogoyafara South Zone (see Figure 4), testing two pit areas with holes spaced approximately 800 metres apart. The gold mineralized zones were intersected as expected, with better than expected widths of mineralization in hole KO-22-RC-001 with an intercept of 0.75 g/t Au over 17 metres (true width estimated at 88% of the drilled width). Hole KO-22-RC-002 intersected lower than expected mineralization. However, this hole ended with gold mineralization, indicating that the gold-bearing system is still open at depth. A significant amount of drilling is still required to confirm and test the zone extensions.
Figure 4. Mogoyafara South Zone. Cross section of new drill hole KO-22-RC-001.
Summary: Early drilling on the three known resource areas, Linnguekoto West, Mogoyafara South, Barani East, has already confirmed the reliability of historical data from previous drilling. On Mogoyafara South in particular, there is a tremendous wealth of drilling data from the time Hyundai explored the project. The latest results are also encouraging because they confirm the underlying model of the deposit and show that the deposit is open to depth. The Hyundai-era drilling had not tested deeper mineralization.
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