Direct correlation to known gold mineralization

While the 2025 drill program has already started at Golden Cariboo Resources (WKN A402CQ / CSE GCC) Quesnelle Gold Quartz property, the company is now also presenting promising results of an MMI soil survey taken last fall. And as has just been announced, a zone with anomalous gold grades has been discovered that extends over a strike length of at least 1,650 meters!

The survey, which covered 15 line kilometers, included 606 soil samples on 28 lines with 50 and 100 meter spacing and 25 meter sample spacing. The surveyed grid generally extends from the North Hixon Zone to the west of the Halo Zone and from the north slope above the Main Zone to Buckley Creek.

And according to geoscientist David Mark, the MMI soil survey has identified a zone of anomalous gold values that runs north/northwest across the entire grid. As mentioned, the strike length is at least 1,650 meters, but the zones are open for extension to both the north and south!

Direct correlation to known gold mineralization

In addition, Mr. Mark indicated that there is a direct correlation to the known gold mineralization of the Halo Zone and the North Hixon Zone. Additional significant gold targets have also been highlighted and the company is already analyzing the data received in detail.

Golden Cariboo had already recently reported positive results from surface rock samples, which also further expanded the gold system of the QGQ property, which already extends over several kilometers. We are excited to see how these and the new findings will be reflected in the company’s exploration activities!

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