Q Precious Battery Metals (CSE QMET / WKN A40QEV) has begun preparations for the next round of drilling on the La Corne South project, located in Val d’Or in the Canadian province of Quebec. Currently, access roads and platforms from which diamond drilling will be conducted are being constructed.
The preparatory work includes the creation of 1.5 kilometers of access roads and the construction of four drilling platforms. The platforms are being built on two targets that have been previously identified as geologically promising and therefore prioritized. Once the preparatory work is completed, the drilling equipment will be moved to the target zones.
Q Precious Battery Metals has contracted First Class Diamond Drilling for the construction of the new access, the setup of drilling platforms, and the subsequent drilling operations. First Class successfully completed the first three boreholes of the ongoing program last year. Now, the program is set to continue and be completed this year.
Q Precious Battery Metals Aims to Build on Last Year’s Successes
The three drillings from last year successfully tested magnetic anomalies. Significant massive and disseminated sulfides containing copper, silver, zinc, and gold were intersected. The next drilling phase, which is now being prepared at La Corne South, aims to investigate similar geophysical anomalies. These are located about two kilometers south of the sites where the 2024 drillings were conducted.
To enable access to the new target areas, the original permit was amended at the company’s request by the authorities. If everything continues to go as planned, Q Precious Battery Metals expects the new drilling to begin next week.