- On February 12. drilling began as planned at the McLaren Titanium Project
- The infill drilling aims to confirm potentially high-grade zones and support final mine planning within the indicated and inferred McLaren resource (280 million t)*
- The expansion drilling will follow up on previous mineralized zones not included in the resource and explore for extensions beyond known mineralization.
- The drilling is expected to take 6 weeks.
- Samples will be collected for analysis and metallurgical testing.
The mineral exploration company McLaren Minerals Limited (ASX: MML) (“McLaren” or “Company”) is pleased to announce that drilling at the McLaren Titanium Project in Western Australia has now commenced on schedule with iDrilling Australia Pty Ltd.
Simon Finnis, Managing Director of McLaren Mineral, said: “We are excited about this program as it makes a significant contribution to the PFS currently being conducted.”
It will not only provide important material for further metallurgical optimization and flowsheet validation but is also intended to increase confidence in the current inferred and indicated resource and explore potential extensions to ensure we continue to make progress towards commercial production.
As previously announced, the drilling program comprises approximately 6,000 m of air core drilling and will take about 6 weeks.
It is anticipated that the metallurgical samples will be dispatched for testing within the next two weeks and that the analytical samples will be dispatched from the site weekly.
About McLaren Minerals Limited
McLaren Minerals is an exploration company focused on the future development of the high-quality McLaren Titanium Project in the Eucla Basin of Western Australia. Titanium is considered a critical mineral and is essential for aerospace, defense, and energy technology.
This announcement has been approved by the Managing Director. For further information, please contact:
Simon FinnisManaging Director simon.finnis@mclarenminerals.com.au+61 (0) 418 695 138 | Kristin RoweMedia and Investor Relations NWR Communicationskristin@nwrcommunications.com.au+61 (0) 404 889 896 |
The project has an indicated and inferred (JORC 2012-compliant) resource of 280 million t at 4.8% heavy minerals, as follows:
(See ASX announcement dated August 5, 2024, for additional information and competent person statement. The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the mineral resource estimates announced on August 5, 2024, and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Person’s findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original market announcement).