Aero Energy: More Than Every Second Borehole Hits Sections with High Radioactivity
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Similarities to Known Uranium Deposits

Within an initial drilling program on the Murmac and Sun Dog projects in northern Saskatchewan, Aero Energy (TSXV AERO / Frankfurt UU3) was able to confirm its exploration model and detect increased radioactivity in nine out of 16 boreholes.

The two uranium projects Murmac and Sun Dog are located in the north of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, which is actually known for its uranium wealth. Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly clear that Aero Energy is active in an area that, despite its proximity to the large uranium deposits in Saskatchewan, has been criminally overlooked in the past.

Aero Energy had selected twelve targets for the drilling program. A total of 16 boreholes with a total length of 3,150 meters were to be drilled on them. Eight boreholes with a total length of about 1,550 meters were drilled on Murmac, while the eight boreholes drilled on Sun Dog had a total length of 1,600 meters.

More than every second borehole could be successfully completed, as sections with increased radioactivity were detected in nine boreholes. The mineralizations detected are quite similar to those encountered in the already known Arrow and Triple R deposits.

It is particularly encouraging that many of the findings are in very near-surface layers. For example, borehole M24-017 intersected an 8.4-meter long section with 0.3% uranium oxide (U3O8) at a depth of only 64 meters. The intersected mineralizations were identified in a strongly graphitic and structured rock. This host rock is very typical for the uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin.

Aero Energy Finds Its Exploration Model Confirmed

This finding is significant as it confirms the company’s exploration thesis and indicates that the as-yet untested graphitic horizons in this area are very promising. This is remarkable because several graphitic horizons with a strike length of over 70 kilometers are encountered.

The majority of these have not yet been investigated for high-grade uranium deposits embedded in the basement rock. For Aero Energy, this oversight of the past represents an attractive promissory note for the future. Much work still lies ahead for the company, as only the first steps have been taken and only a small part of the possible exploration area has been investigated.

In the coming weeks, Aero Energy, together with its option partners Fortune Bay and Standard Uranium, will plan the follow-up investigations and determine the targets for the winter drilling program. The approach chosen so far confirms that there is uranium mineralization in the ground that is very similar to that of the large deposits in the Athabasca Basin.


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