Up to 3.24% copper detected near the anomaly

Core Assets’ (WKN A2QCCU / CSE CC) drill-ready and easily accessible Laverdiere copper project is part of the giant Blue property and covers a 5 x 8 kilometer underexplored copper porphyry area in northwestern British Columbia. There, the Company has identified promising mineralization in the newly defined Valley Zone around an impressive, donut-shaped geophysical anomaly measuring approximately 1 x 1.2 kilometers, which is interpreted to be a probable high-grade porphyry center!

As Core Assets states, the Valley Zone represents a highly prospective area of elevated hydrothermal activity and high-grade porphyry copper mineralization located 2km to the southwest and 700m higher than the Main Zone, which was drill tested in 2022. Both high-grade zones remain open for expansion in multiple directions.

3D representation of the modeled geology at the Laverdiere copper project

Core Assets has now mapped multiple, stratiform mineralized porphyry veins and fractures in altered granodiorite in the Valley Zone and sampled them over a 1 km long east-west trend. In 2022, CEO Nick Rodway’s company had already identified up to 3.24% copper (with 82 g/t silver, 0.56 g/t gold and 0.053% molybdenum) and 0.32% molybdenum (with 1.03% Cu, 4 g/t Ag). With the exploration activities carried out last year, 0.83% copper, 47 g/t silver, 0.44 g/t gold and 0.007% molybdenum were then encountered.

The veins in the Valley Zone, which host significant copper, molybdenum, silver and gold mineralization up to 20 centimetres thick, are also concentrated in an area of increased structural complexity. And this area coincides with the edges of a 1 kilometer wide and circular (donut-shaped) magnetic low, geophysical anomaly that persists through several data sets.

Interesting: Mineralized porphyry veins sampled by Core Assets at surface and in drill core from 2022 show a general increase in metal content towards the anomaly, which the company interprets as the location of a high-grade porphyry center!

Successful drilling as early as 2022

Drilling conducted by Core Assets in 2022 confirmed high-grade copper skarn and porphyry mineralization over a length of over 1 kilometer following the north-south trend of the Llewellyn Fault along the eastern margin of the Laverdiere Porphyry. Key drill intercepts achieved in the Main Zone in 2022 include:

  • – LAV22-006 (North Adit) – 107.38m with 0.11% copper (Cu), 0.023% molybdenum (Mo), 0.9g/t silver (Ag), 0.02g/t gold (Au) from 144.62m.
    – LAV22-001 (French Adit) – 267.05 m grading 0.17% Cu, 1 g/t Ag, 0.04 g/t Au from surface, including 48.54 m grading 0.90% Cu, 6 g/t Ag, 0.11 g/t Au from 31.46 m depth.
    – LAV22-002 (French Adit) – 223 m grading 0.11% Cu, 0.006% Mo, 2 g/t Ag, 0.05 g/t Au from 15 m depth, including 54 m grading 0.19% Cu, 0.002% Mo, 3 g/t Ag, 0.12 g/t Au from 173 m depth, and 24.42 m grading 0.32% Cu, 0.005% Mo, 4 g/t Ag, 0.12 g/t Au from 207.23 m depth.
    – LAV22-005 (South Adit) – 83.22m with 0.12% Cu, 0.016% Mo, 0.8g/t Ag, 0.03g/t Au from 6.9m depth.

LAV22-002 – the deepest hole to date – intersected porphyry copper-molybdenum mineralization in the Main Zone at an effective depth of up to 350 metres. Given the 700m elevation difference between the Valley and Main Zones, Core Assets believes there is a high probability that over 1km of copper-gold porphyry mineralization can be intersected with drilling in the Valley Zone.

In addition, according to the company, historical adits driven in the early 1900s into the massive and high-grade Main Zone copper skarn had returned up to 1.20% copper over 27 meters and historical drill results returned 175 meters of 0.24% copper recovered 100 meters north of the French adit in 1974.

Potential also for gold mineralization contained in shear zones

The project is also considered highly prospective for shear-hosted gold mineralization, according to Core Assets. The first hole completed at the Laverdiere project in 2022 (LAV22-001) was drilled steeply to the east to test the LFZ and intersected quartz-carbonate-pyrite veins in deformed mafic volcanic rocks that returned 4.59 g/t gold over 1.51 m at 163.49 m depth. The Llewellyn Fault (LFZ) is believed to be spatially associated with gold mineralization along its entire length (>100 km).

In general, the potential for core assets seems enormous, as the Blue property hosts three (!) copper, molybdenum and silver-bearing porphyries and the associated high-grade massive sulphide skarn deposits, which indicate at least 50 million years of hydrothermal activity extending over a 30-kilometer-long trend (!). Actually a unique opportunity in an emerging mining district for strategic investors…

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In accordance with §34b WpHG i (Germany) and §48f paragraph 5 BörseG (Austria) we would like to point out that clients, partners, authors and employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH hold shares in Core Assets and therefore a conflict of interest exists. Furthermore, we cannot rule out the possibility that other market letters, media or research companies may discuss the stocks we recommend during the same period. This may result in the symmetrical generation of information and opinions during this period. Furthermore, there is a consultancy or other service agreement between Core Assets and GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH, which gives rise to a conflict of interest.

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