Branche: | HPA Specialty Chemicals |
Web: | |
Filings: |
Börsen: |
ASX Sydney Frankfurt Tradegate |
ISIN: | AU0000310302 | |
WKN: | A3E3UB | |
Symbol | CCM | |
Aktienanzahl: | 366,92 Mio. | |
Datum: | 03.05.2024 |
Kontakt: |
Roland Hill Tel. +61 8 6313 3920 |
Adresse: |
Unit 2, 49 Ord Street, West Perth Western Australia 6005 |
Kurz & Knapp
Seltene Erden im Visier: Cadoux Limited erwirbt 50% an Minhub Operations
FYI Resources Managing Director Roland Hill kauft Aktien am Markt
FYI Resources nutzt sein HPA-Know-how für Einstieg in Downstream-Partnerschaft für REE
Cadoux Ltd.
Cadoux Limited (ASX: CCM), früher bekannt als FYI Resources Limited, positioniert sich als bedeutender Produzent von hochwertigen kritischen Mineralien für den Einsatz im sich schnell entwickelnden Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge und High-Tech-Anwendungen.
Hochreines Aluminiumoxid (HPA) ist aufgrund seiner einzigartigen Merkmale und chemischen Eigenschaften, die den hohen Anforderungen von Anwendungen wie LEDs und Saphirglas entsprechen, ein wichtiges Material für viele High-Tech-Produkte.
Während Cadoux sein HPA-Kernprojekt weiter vorantreibt, wird es die Erfahrung seines Entwicklungsteams, seine hervorragende ESG-Plattform und seine Kapitalbasis in den Seltene Erden-Sektor einbringen und damit die breiteren Produktionsziele des Unternehmens bei kritischen Mineralien stärken.
Cadoux Ltd.: Analysten sehen signifikantes Upside
Cadoux Ltd.Charts
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Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of FYI Resources Limited will be held at 10:00am (WST) on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, 1 Hobbs Place, Peppermint Grove, Western Australia.
#ASX #criticalminerals #AGM
The WA Government’s Investment Attraction Fund grant of $3 million to FYI has been approved and the Financial Assistance Agreement finalised. The purpose of the funding is to assist FYI to progress the development of the Company’s innovative HPA project.
#ASX #criticalminerals
Sapphire substrates (a derivative of HPA) are used in the manufacturing of LEDs and semiconductors by a process called epitaxial growth. Epitaxial growth is a process in which a thin layer of semiconductor material is grown on a substrate crystal.
#ASX #criticalminerals
FYI achieved a number of milestones during the September Quarter including determination of SSP plant design and commencement of Minhub engineering feasibility studies.
#ASX #criticalminerals
FYI sets its ESG disclosures against the World Economic Forum Stakeholder Capitalism Framework.
The WEF framework is a set of common metrics for sustainable value creation captured in 21 core ESG disclosures aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
With SSP engineering ongoing, the company will also be focusing on HPA product marketing, development and downstream R&D during the December Quarter.
#ASX #criticalminerals
FYI Resources is pleased to release its Activities Report for the quarter ending 30 September 2023.
#ASX #criticalminerals
Dysprosium is a silvery-white rare-earth element that is highly resistant to corrosion. Demand for dysprosium is expected to grow in the coming years, as it is used in a number of emerging technologies, such as electric vehicles and wind turbines.
#ASX #criticalminerals #Minhub