Getting close to Osisko Development's claims

The next drilling success seems to be on the horizon! Because, as Canadian explorer Golden Cariboo Resources (CSE GCC / WKN A402CQ) announced this morning, the next drill hole on the Quesnelle Gold Quartz property (QGQ) has repeatedly hit quartz veins that carry gold!

Golden Cariboo stopped drilling QGQ24-17 at a depth of 477.32 meters in a zone with numerous such veins – but only because it was approaching the boundary of Osisko Development’s (TSXV ODV) claims. According to CEO Frank Callaghan, what the company’s geologists observed was similar to the mineralization styles recently drilled in QGQ’s Halo Zone. And these, of course, have delivered extremely convincing results.

Plan map of Halo drilling; Golden Cariboo

Golden Cariboo’s QGQ property is surrounded on three sides by Osisko Devlopment claim areas and the team is very familiar with the region. A few years ago, CEO Callaghan made a discovery here with his former company Barkerville Gold Mines, which led to Osisko Royalties acquiring the company for 330 million dollars. Now the Golden Cariboo CEO and his team seem to be getting closer to a similar success with every drill hole. We are eagerly awaiting the next drill results.

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